Why contribute The Camping Canuck?

A guest post offers an opportunity to reach a new audience or build a portfolio of work as a freelance writer.  Our Outdoors community is your platform for Backpacking and Canoeing related writing, photos and even videos.

  • We only link to independent websites.  If you are representing a company or desire a link to a company, please contact us via our contact page..
  • We will only publish content related to the outdoors

What type of posts are we looking for?

Write about what you’re passionate about.  Are you super pumped about a new piece of gear?  Write a review!  Did you recently take an epic trip?  Write  a trip report.  We also have a vibrant news section covering  travel science and environmental issues related to outdoor enthusiasts.

Do I Get Credit?

Yes, you get credit for your work.  We will add a bio at the end of your article and will include a link to your website.  Please do not provide any backlinks within the content of the article.  We will include the link ourselves.

Guest Post Policies

  1. Material must be new, no previously published content. Photos previously used can be submitted within a collection or as a Travel Photo of the Day.
  2. At no point can this content be used on your own website or any other website, unless first agreed upon (this policy exists because Google doesn’t appreciate duplicate content, nor do we want to compete directly with you on identical articles.)
  3. You are the copyright owner of the content, but give us publication right
  4. We can remove the article at any time
  5. You are responsible for the promotion of your content through Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc.
  6. Provide your name as you would like it to appear in the post
  7. Provide a small bio to be included at the bottom of the post
  8. Write your best stuff, not the stuff you don’t want on your blog
  9. For a trip report, or photo rich content, use a collection of your best photos to really have the article take off – Photo Essays do best

Changes to the Post

We do reserve the right to make editing changes to your post, however they will usually remain minor.  These include changing the title of the post, moving pictures around, adding links, adding keywords and adding or moving headings. This is all intended to assist in the promotion of your post.

Submitting Guest Post

Send your best guest post ideas to editor@thecampingcanuck.com  and weI will try to reply within 48 hours.